We have all watched our canine comrades lick clean, but some dogs lick themselves in the air for no apparent reason. While lip licking is completely normal in some matters, such as before a meal or after a meal, this behavior can signal that something is wrong if it continues for no apparent reason or becomes a compulsive habit.

Dogs use body language to communicate, and in the canine world, licking the lips is a gesture of reassurance. Dogs suffering from stress or trauma, or those who are generally more shy, are more prone to this behavior, this is how their pet says: “Let’s be friends.”To calm your dog, stay calm and confident – but not energetic-and never use punishment as part of your training. If he suffers from situational stress, for example. when moving houses, try to reduce the stressors as much as possible.

If your dog is licking the air from stressful situations, there may be a body or psychological reason for his behavior. The constant leakage of air can indicate digestive problems or nausea, as well as toothache. Air licking is also associated with certain types of seizures, so it is important to take your pet to the vet if he begins to compulsively beat his tongue. Your veterinarian can help you diagnose the problem and eliminate potentially serious health problems that could be causing your pet’s behavior.

If Fido is suffering from a serious illness such as seizures, your veterinarian may prescribe medications that can help prevent problems. However, if your dog does not show signs of body discomfort, licking the lips can be diagnosed as a compulsive disorder.

Like humans, our pets can suffer from mental disorders that lead them to repetitive passion behaviors. Air licking is one of these behaviors, and some dogs respond to the treatment of a trained animal behavior expert. Other beneficial changes include increasing Fido’s mental and body stimulation; reducing stress-inducing stimuli; and a positive replacement behavior for lip licking, such as teaching your dog to lie down when licking starts.

Before you take these routes, however, ask yourself if your dog has suffered a disorder that could be causing the problem. Changes from moving to the introduction of a new pet at home, changes in the routine or the absence of an ordinary person in his life can cause stress for your pet. Eliminate these stressors before seeking help from your veterinarian.

Licking lips is not always a sign that something is wrong, but if you think, you can help your veterinarian by providing him with basic information. Give him a story about your pet’s licking behavior-including when it started, how long it lasts and where it occurs most often — as well as the training and punishment practices used at home and how your family reacts to licking the lips. This will help him get to the root of the problem that caused the behavior of your pet licking lips.


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George M. Smith
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