Just like humans, dogs can suffer from anxiety disorders. Whether he is afraid of social situations, suffers from separation anxiety or is simply a nervous pet, there are different techniques to calm Fido’s fears:

1 Boxes are considered disputable by some, but with proper training they can be one of the best ways to calm an anxious pet: The key to checkout training is to make sure it’s done correctly. This includes choosing a suitable sized box, Equipping with blankets and other items to make it as welcoming as possible, and slowly incorporating your pet into the box with treats and positive reinforcements. All this helps your dog to see the crate as his “cave”, which offers him a refuge in times of high stress. Crate training can be especially useful for dogs who are afraid of parting, who could otherwise ravage their home and pick up peril objects if left alone for a long time.

2-Exercise can also help anxious dogs: Although it is not a cure for anxiety, body activity can reduce Stress, improve your dog’s mood and focus his mind on positive activities. Running and playing are great ways to get your dog active.

3-Body contact can help console an anxious companion: Just like humans, our pets are social beings and they feel reassured when they spend time near those they love. Staying close to your dog during a thunderstorm or a visit to the vet can relieve stress. However, be sure not to make noise around your pet when he is stressed, which can legitimize his anxiety.

4-Maintain a calm behavior to help an anxious pet: Dogs are experts at recognizing what is happening around them, and if they are tense or upset, your pet can easily recognize it. If his leader is anxious, a dog also becomes anxious, so be sure to keep a calm and serene voice around your pet. By taking the lead and showing your dog that he has nothing to worry about, you can relieve his anxiety in stressful situations.

5 -Take a Break if your dog gets too anxious or wound up: A break can help your pet relax, although it should never be used as punishment. Instead, take your dog to a quiet place or to his crate. You can also distract him during this time with a treat.

6-Treats and chewing products can act as a stress reliever: but long-lasting chewing products such as raw skin bones can also help calm the mind of a nervous dog. They help Fido stay busy while you are not at home and provide the necessary distraction during stressful events such as thunderstorms or visiting new guests.

While the above techniques may help slightly to moderately nervous dogs, animals with severe anxiety can be diagnosed and treated by your veterinarian. Medications can help manage the anxiety of many pets, and a qualified professional can recommend a combination of behavioral therapies to calm your pet’s mind.

About Author
George M. Smith
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