If your dog ignores your commands, it’s not just frustrating — it can be peril to his health. Not only do your instructions show a lack of respect for you as a pack leader, but not following your dog’s commands can put him in peril of being hit by a car, eating something peril, or getting involved with an aggressive animal. There are some reasons why Fido may not pay attention to this, which are not immediately obvious.

If you have difficulty communicating with your pet, try to remove excess energy from the equation. When a dog is upset, he is more easily distracted and less likely to pay attention to your commands. Exercising them daily helps to revive the pent-up energy, and speaking in a calm, confirmed tone can let your pet know that you are serious.

This is important because dogs are pack animals and are more likely to listen to their owners if they perceive them as pack leaders. A hectic or uncertain speech conveys to your dog that you are not in control of the situation and that he can try to take matters into his own hands. If you are not sure what energy your commands give, ask a friend or family member to observe your interactions and provide feedback.

Of course, non-compliance with commands can also mean that your dog does not understand what you are saying. It takes hundreds, if not thousands, of repetitions to master a new skill, and Fido may have to train again before he has completed a round. To make sitting, staying and coming even clearer, integrate a unique hand movement into each command. Body language is one of the most important ways for dogs to communicate with each other, and this could help clarify what you are asking. Practice the commands with the same verbal and body signals every time, offering treats and praise as a reward.

Communication requires attention, so pay attention to the emotional state of your dog if he has difficulty listening. When fireworks are set off, your pet may be too scared to record what you are saying. If your dog is busy claiming his territory from a passing puppy, he may not listen to your command. If fear, dominance, or other emotions are preventing your dog from being an a+ listener, it’s important to address these underlying issues. A professional behaviorist can offer you help if you are struggling with this.

There’s often more than that when dogs don’t listen to their owners, so it’s important to take a step back and consider why your pet might not be listening. Whether he is distracted or has difficulty understanding the command, your pet probably wants to please you and just needs help along the way.

About Author
George M. Smith
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