We all love our pets, but millions of owners suffer from allergies caused by their companions. Although pet allergies are better treated by avoidance, modern medicine, as well as a little hard work, can provide a comfortable life with your pet if you have mild to moderate symptoms.

Most people blame dog or cat hair for their allergies, but pet hair is not an allergen in itself. On the contrary, proteins in pet dander, saliva or urine trigger allergic reactions when people come into contact with them. To make matters worse, the fur of pets can collect pollen, mold and other allergens that affect millions of people. Symptoms often include a runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, and constricted breathing, but these can be signs of an allergic reaction to something other than your pet. Therefore, the first step to treating a pet allergy is to determine that you are actually allergic to your pet. This can be done through allergy tests, where a professional allergist will inject a small amount of test allergens into your skin to identify the specific substances that trigger the symptoms. If Fluffy or Fido is the source of your allergy, there are several ways to deal with symptoms without saying goodbye to your companion:

1. Arrange your house so that it contains “pet-free ” areas where the allergen level is reduced. Keeping your pet away from your bedroom, home office and other rooms where you spend a lot of time can significantly reduce the symptoms, as well as teach him to stay away from furniture.

2. Invest in hypoallergenic bedding and an air purifier that reduces allergens in the air.

3. Bathe your pet about twice a week to reduce dust, pollen and other allergens in their fur.

4. Clean your house regularly: change the air filters, vacuum and wash the bedding — including your pet’s bedding — more often.

5. If you have the opportunity, choose wooden or tiled floors instead of carpets that catch allergens. Choose furniture that is less susceptible to the collection of allergens.

Having made changes to the environment around you, you can turn to modern medicine for further help in the treatment of pet allergies. Over-the-counter medications such as claritin, benadryl, or Zyrtec can relieve symptoms of mild allergies such as eye itching or congestion, and prescription medications can also help. Unfortunately, these medicines will not relieve asthma symptoms: only environmental factors can help. Some animal lovers also take allergy injections, known as immunotherapy, to relieve their long-term symptoms. This involves injecting a very small dose of a known allergen into the body, gradually increasing a person’s tolerance to this allergen. Immunotherapy has been shown to provide effective and lasting relief from allergy symptoms in some matters, but requires patience: it may take almost a year of weekly injections before you can switch to a monthly maintenance dose, and a few years after before you can completely stop the injections.

About Author
George M. Smith
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